Project Description

REVERBERATIONS FROM THE FEINT is a documentary that explores the unintended consequences of race in American culture as it takes you on a journey through the byproducts.

Is the reason we learned how to play musical chairs in kindergarten because it is a game that we will be metaphorically playing for the rest of our lives? For centuries we have been waiting for someone to stop the hysteria by just saying, “we can take turns sharing the available seating”…game over! Relentless oppression has forced every generation to battle over the inherent differences of humankind. Our nightmares are the skeletal framework upon which others build their dreams. Equality has been a long journey but it seems to be a phantom destination.

As a collector of cultural memories, I explore the complexities and compounded struggles that are the residue of the feint. Casual conversations along with recent and found footage weave a non-linear narrative of Black American lives over seventy years of struggle, resilience and change. Time and place blur as moving images and fluctuating audio overlap, telling a singular story of family and community uncorrupted by the discriminatory lense of whiteness and commercialism.

Billy Colbert